“Our Procurement Specialist and Your Mom have Some Concerns About Your Elaborate Holiday Gifts for Your Girlfriend”

Rachel Mans McKenny
3 min readDec 1, 2022

By Rachel Mans McKenny

Items, with concerns noted by our department of shipping and procurement:

  • Partridge (1) [on order]
  • Pear Tree (1) [6’ Bradford pear tree (potted), with red ribbon on it set aside for delivery]
  • Turtle Doves (2) [All turtle-doves currently located in an offshore shipping container yet to be unloaded; Approval to replace with turtles– red eared sliders or Eastern box? Please advise.]

Hi, this is Mom. Saw the email open and just thought I’d chime in. From a purely non-supply-chain standpoint, purely based on intuition and having somehow never met your girlfriend yet: you seem to have winged animals covered. I understand the desire to go overboard when you love someone, but go against that impulse if the impulse means spreading newspaper around the house to catch bird feces.

  • French Hens (3) [Another supply chain issue. Available hens are Canadian, but they do speak French.]
  • Calling Birds (4) [Available, depending on species desired.]

Just a little story, somewhat related. Once your dad bought me a spider plant as a gift and it kept shedding leaves and drove



Rachel Mans McKenny

Writer and author. Mostly harmless/water. Stuff in McSweeney’s, NYTimes, WaPo, The Rumpus, Electric Lit, etc. rachelmansmckenny.com